Sunday, April 28, 2013

Why should you send a follow-up "Thank You" letter?

Follow-up by phone & email. I am of the mind that a Thank You letter should be hand-delivered whenever possible. If not hand delivered, perhaps couriered over the next day, no later.

Delivering the letter in person, dressed appropriately of course, shows a keen and sincere interest, as well as giving the opportunity to 'be seen' once more, & provides one with a chance to observe the work environment 'in action'.

Also, a 'hand written' thank you has a very powerful and memorable impact vs. an email. Personally I always hand write a Thank you for a in-person interview, and email one for a telephone interview.
Take a control position once you nail the interview and keep in mind that 'inter-viewing' is always a 'two-way street'.

A thank you letter is like breathing to me, it is a common professional courtesy, and another marketing tool for you to shine with your writing abilities, and keen interest in the position.

When you do receive the dreaded 'merge reject letter', I would suggest, (depending on the level of the position and what transpired during the course of the interview in terms of 'rapport' building),

* ask the interviewer direct questions as to why you were not chosen, and

* 'ask for a referral' to any firm or professional they know that may need someone with your particular skill sets & personality profile. At the very least, 'keep me in mind'.....

Remember, THEY contacted YOU for an interview - obviously you did something right to make that happen - they were impressed enough with you on paper - why wouldn't another firm be.....

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Sample Cover Letter (Introduction)
I would like to share my resume with you.
I am interested in applying for [add position here]. I think I would be suitable for this position because [add reasons here]. I am currently [add current position]. The best times to reach me are [insert days and time].
Kind Regards,
Ivy Winters

Monday, April 8, 2013

Paid Sick Leave on Its Way in NYC?

Deal Reached to Force Paid Sick Leave in New York City

It will be interesting to see if this mandate will force employers who lump all leave benefits together (PTO), to distinguish between sick, personal and vacation days, even if the leave time exceeds the 5 days mentioned in the article.

Another question regarding leave benefits given to new hires, how will this be regulated. Would this mandate require an employer to provide the 5 days on the first day of work? Or would an employer still have the option of providing the 5 days over a course of time for new hires as long as it is still within a year?

Monday, April 1, 2013

The Companies Hiring The Most Right Now

Here are the 10 companies hiring the most right now (for jobs that pay $60,000 or more):

1. Amazon: 2,407 openings
2. Oracle: 2,350 openings
3. Microsoft: 2,089 openings
4. Dell: 1,862 openings
5. JPMorgan Chase: 1,761 openings
6. IBM: 1,755 openings
7. PwC: 1,571 openings
8. SAIC: 1,537 openings
9. CRST International: 1,378 openings
10. Apple: 1,374 openings