Monday, August 27, 2012

Is your Linkedin profile now more important to you than your CV?

It is becoming more important for professionals, and is definitely a more versatile tool. But until employers begin to request a link to your LinkedIn profile and not a resume/CV and cover letter, the resume is still that initial introduction and hand shake that puts the hiring process in motion. They are both important. LinkedIn provides an opportunity for potential new employers to get a glimpse of your professionalism. It is more of a living document than a resume.

I believe it is transforming the way people seek and find talent. At the very least, it is providing an important first step for quickly and efficiently evaluating candidates. Conversely, as a candidate, it is providing members with a great marketing tool to present their capabilities and talent to a broader pool of opportunities, often bypassing the traditional recruiting channels and filters. It is a great tool.

In my opinion it is neither more or less important; it is a compliment to your careers achievements. Just like your playbill, your LinkedIn profile provides organizations and connections a consolidated overview of who you are and where your are in your career.  Life has evolved! Our parents used to end their studies, grab their diplomas, got a job and practically stayed there for life…

Today life is the opposite. Each one must be a multitask, multidisciplinary person and specially be on the “radar”. Being on the “radar” means that you have a LinkedIn profile at least, where all the headhunters or companies try to find the best person for their new job offers. Now, not being on the web having a CV profile, also represents the equivalent of not existing on this planet and therefore, not being up-to-date in what regards professional availability and the knowledge to understand a global community – the world is really so small, that you have to move on! You can even be the best there is for the job inquiry, but no one knows you exist…

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